The joy of stained glass

I think I now get it - I've puzzled a lot over the ability of humans to be able to produce some of the finest works of art in some of the hardest times of their lives. Especially when it comes to the beauty of architecture over the centuries, and beauties such as stained glass. The exuberance, the joy, the radiance, the love of life that comes from the glass has always been uplifting. And who can't feel a surge of hope when they see a rainbow of colour effects from a window cast on the walls of a hallowed and ancient cathedral? And who knows what life was like for the mediaeval stained glass makers when they worked on such pieces. Pestilence? Plague? Coivid-19 is nothing new for the human race, my friend. Ok, Grace Cathedral isn't as old as some but nevertheless I liked this view the first time I saw it. A mousepad is a good way to see it, and often


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