The perfect solution for lockdown blues

Puzzle book cover and index

AND just the thing for a Christmas stocking stuffer!

Our hearts go out to those in the UK who face another 4 weeks of strict lockdown in a bid to conquer Covid. You will need "Enigmatic Variations - Puzzles for Musicians"! We can get copies to you in couple of days, to provide great entertainment and distraction from the depression of short days, cold nights and restricted movements. "Enigmatic Variations" has fascinating insets and snippets that are not immediately obvious and it will appeal to all ages. 
Sudoku, cryptic crosswords, word search, spot-the-difference, letter ladders, logic problems, a gruelling maze are all there, plus an organ crawl, and other teasers that will keep you amused for a long time. Plus, the illustrations are something else!
This volume is really an ideal gift for any musician for Christmas or birthday; unique, fun, and timeless. (PS, you don't HAVE to be a musician to enjoy it!) 
Details, prices and how to buy at this link: Pipeline Press
PSSSSST!: "Enigmatic Variations - Puzzles for Musicians" (ISBN 9780473540753) is now also available from ,  and Blackwells Music Shop in Oxford (UK)

Organs have birthdays too, y'know


The Klais pipe organ in the Auckland Town Hall turned 10 years old in August and more than 900 people were able to enjoy Martin Setchell's celebratory concert (unaware of course that 2 days later Auckland was to go back into lockdown). Composer Grimoaldo Macchia wrote a special "Fanfare and Toccata on Happy Birthday' that put the finishing touches to the concert, sending the audience on their humming and toe-tapping way. Click this link to enjoy the live recording of Grimoaldo's piece (which he put to a slideshow of photos taken by Hans Weichselbaum). 

Functional - and fun - from Zazzle

With more than 2,300 products in my Zazzle "Organs" shop, there should be something you can find that will set your pulse racing. It could be a diary, calendar, notebook, or a mask; but you can frivolously try one of our dipped Oreo® Cookie Pops, or an organ-themed light switch. The possibilities are endless! Click on each image to see individual products.
dipped oreo
light switch cover
Mask showing organ console
Understandably, face masks have been popular. The design range has just enlarged to include 'smiling' organ consoles. . .  
. . .  and a bit of gentle humour to lighten the mood during these challenging times.

. . .while over on Redbubble. . . 

gtDon't forget to visit my other gift outlet, the Redbubble shop for Christmas present ideas. One popular line is the bed cover (or comforter as they call it now) with various organ designs (do you get to sleep counting the pipes, maybe? )
Other favourites are the shower curtains featuring organs, or bits of organs.  Redbubble designs include a wider range of subjects - not only organs - so do browse and look around if you fancy a change from our usual fare! 

Competition ahoy!

Win one of two puzzle books

This month we're giving away 2 copies of "Enigmatic Variations - Puzzles for Musicians" ! Entry is simple: complete a rather daft multiple choice form to go in the draw, sit back and wait to see if you have won. But be warned: this is a very quick competition and entries will close at midnight, New Zealand-time, November 10th (only 5 days away - yoicks!)
Don't delay because you may well forget! Click here:

Free jigsaws

link to organ jigsaw puzzle
Need another free diversion? Try some of our online jigsaw (jigidi) puzzles. They come in all shapes and sizes and not all are of organs. Completely free although they should carry an addiction health warning. For the latest, click on the image above of the Gabler organ in Weingarten Abbey, built in 1750. If you'd like to wander through some earlier examples, go to our jigsaw pages here  

From the Swellbox

cat under blankets

Before I go:

Gifts all sorted? Plenty to do in lockdown? If the above isn't enough, there is always "Organ-isms: Anecdotes from the World of the King of Instruments" with scurrilous yarns from more than 120 organists; or a fuller compendium with scrumptious pictures, "Organs and Organists: Their Inside Stories". Don't forget to treat your ears - gett Martin Setchell's gallivanting Cardboard Cathedral Organ Capers or his soul-lifting "Resounding Aftershocks". All these are sold on our website andthey  might just help you through the next few weeks.
With a cautious "have the elections finished yet?" peek from under the duvet from Bobby, it's cheerful noises from Jenny
PS:  Don't forget the competition for the puzzle book - it closes November 10th!


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